
Upcoming Meetings

 as of version 1.3.3

What is Upcoming Meetings & Why Should We Use It? 

Upcoming Meetings BMLT is a plugin that displays the next ‘N’ number of meetings from the current time on your page or in a widget using the upcoming_meetings shortcode.

How do we get it?

The Upcoming Meetings plugin can be downloaded from the following link:


The above link directs to a webpage that also includes installation instructions and a change log detailing updates applied to the plugin over time. Or search upcoming Meetings BMLT in the keyword Search on your plugins screen in WordPress.


  1. Download and install the plugin from WordPress dashboard. You can also upload the entire upcoming-meetings-bmlt Plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Add [upcoming_meetings] shortcode to your WordPress page/post.
  4. Assign root_server and services attributes.
  5. Can be customized with css.


A minimum of root_server and services attribute are required, which would return all towns for that service body separated by a comma.

A minimum of root_server, services and timezone attributes are required, which would return the next 5 meetings in simple view with a 15minute grace period.

Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” services=”50″ timezone=”America/New_York”]


To recurse service bodies add recursive=”1″
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” services=”50″ timezone=”America/New_York” recursive=”1″]


To add multiple service bodies, you can separate by a comma.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” services=”50,37,26″ timezone=”America/New_York”]


To add a grace period to meeting lookup add grace_period=”15″ this would add a 15 minute grace period.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” services=”50″ timezone=”America/New_York” grace_period=”15″]


To limit the number of results add num_results=”5″ this would limit results to 5.
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” services=”50″ timezone=”America/New_York” state=”1″ num_results=”5″]


To change the display type add display_type=”table” there are three different types **simple**, **table**, **block**
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” timezone=”America/New_York” display_type=”table”]


This is required and should be set to what timezones your meetings are in, We can not rely on servers time zone. add timezone=”America/New_York” you can set this in the admin setting or short code. A complete list of timezones can be found here http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” timezone=”America/New_York”]


To display the location nam,e using the simple display add location_text=”1″
Ex. [upcoming_meetings root_server=”https://www.domain.org/main_server” services=”50″ timezone=”America/New_York” location_text=”1″]
