What is the BMLT?

BMLT” stands for “Basic Meeting List Toolbox.” It is a Web-based platform that was designed to assist NA Service bodies in providing a powerful, easily maintained central database of NA meetings. The BMLT was designed to be stable, secure and a single source of meeting data truth in mind.

A “root server” is what is referred to as a “client/server” system. There is a central “server,” that holds the meetings, and where the administrators add and maintain meeting information data (When, Where, What time and Format). Multiple clients (Regions and/or Areas) can display the meeting information on web sites.

An example is that the “root server” is run by a Zonal forum or Regional Service body, with all of the member service bodies, within that Zonal Forum or Region, keeping their meeting lists in the central server (single source of truth). Each Area Service has their section on the root server. The account on the central root “server,” gets the information that it displays, from there.

  If you are an Area Service Committee, then you should probably find out if your Region already has a BMLT root server established before considering setting new BMLT for your service body. Click here to find out. If they do, then your job will be easy. Simply get the server information from your BMLT admin, point your various plugins to the Zonal forum or Regional root server.

If your Zonal forum or Region does not have a root server set up, you may want to consider asking them to set one up.  

View an example

See how the BMLT works visually.

What is the BMLT Flow-diagram

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