as of version 3.11.4
Crouton provides a tabbed user interface (UI) and more for Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT).
Crouton can be downloaded from the following link:
The above link directs to a webpage that also includes installation instructions and a change log detailing updates applied to the plugin over time.
Source code can be found here:
The easiest way to install Crouton in your WordPress website is to search crouton in the keyword Search on your plugins screen in WordPress and click the Install Now button.
Once crouton is installed you will need to set your BMLT Root Server URL and/or select your Service Body
Go to crouton in your WordPress settings.
Enter your BMLT root server URL in the Default Root Server: field.
You also have the option to use Tomato for the root server. If you wish to do that, you can just select the checkbox to do so.
In the Service Body section you need to select your Default Service Body from the drop-down list. As the screen tells you, this service body will be used when no service body is defined in the shortcode.
Those are the only necessary steps you need to take to begin to use crouton on your site. Jump to the Usage section to see how to implement crouton on a page.
Here is a video showing how to install and setup Crouton
This subsection is only necessary if you need users to do something more than just normally updating the plugin
To implement crouton on your site, just enter the shortcode into a new or existing WordPress page.
Provides a basic tabbed display of meetings in the service body specified in the settings.
This default view provides the following options:
Below are some common issues you can run into while installing, configuring, updating, or maintaining Crouton. Possible solutions to these issues are provided. If you are experiencing an issue that is not addressed in this section, you can find help here.
If the meetings aren’t displaying on your website the way you think they should be, a good thing to do is to reset the Meeting Data and Metadata templates to the defaults in the Crouton settings.
To reset the data templates,